Dr. Uzi Broshi D.N.

(from Czech: Napravit: to correct; from Greek: Pathos: suffering)
Founded in 1907 by Dr. Oakley Smith, this manual therapy has remained popular in Sweden, Finland and Norway ever since. It’s revival in the USA is being led by my Alma Mater, Southwest University of Naprapathic Medicine (SUNM).
In the Naprapathic treatment we soften, release and manipulate connective tissue and adjoining structures in or- der to decrease pain and disability in the neuromusculoskeletal system. Our aim is to facilitate the body’s natural recuperative and regenerative powers.
Naprapathy differs from Chiropractic in that the doctor usually does not use high velocity or intense pressure to adjust skeletal alignment. Gentle and precise attention to the fascia, muscle and other connective tissues prepares the skeletal system for gentle adjustments which it is prepped to maintain. This approach provides a gradually deepening correction that releases the originating trauma, thereby minimizing the frequency of treatment need- ed for the body to maintain harmonious skeletal alignment.
After your Naprapathic treament (typically 50-60 minutes) we may introduce you to simple exercises that you can take home, empowering you to improve postural issues and strengthen your renewed harmony.
The New Mexico Legislature has passed a resolution to study Naprapathy as one of several non-pharmeceutical approaches to pain relief.
Helping others to heal themselves brings me joy.
Mary Burmeister, who brought Jin Shin Jyutsu to the West, said, “Age is as Circulation is”. After decades of physical labor I found, in my late ‘40s, new flexibility (balance between energetic and muscular aspects of being) through yoga.
Regular exercise (yoga, cycling, running and hiking), in tandem with daily Jin Shin Jyutsu self-care, eradicated a health issue for which I’d been told I’d always need medication.
Naprapathy has taught me about the amazing design of our body’s anatomy and biomechanics and hands-on techniques that speak directly to the body’s ability to correct, rehabilitate and regenerate.